Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lots of things to do, people to see, places to go...

Gosh, I can hardly believe it’s only been a week since the end of panto and already it seems like a life time ago. I’ve had a crazy week with work, a quick trip down to Northampton followed by a night out for my friend Katie’s birthday. I’ve hardly had time to think, let alone sleep! My room once again looks like a bomb’s hit it *sigh*

Today I managed to get my theatre fix; I was back to do a little film about Harrogate Theatres ghost Alice which was good fun.  So what’s next? I have an audition on Saturday - I’m nervous about this one but I’ll give it my best shot and hope for the best...it’s all experience isn't it. Also, I got an email the other day telling me that my audition to be a performer in the Olympics has been successful! Yay! So I will be dancing in the opening ceremony come July. How exciting! I’m definitely looking forward to the summer now...

Monday 16 January 2012

A few snaps...

A few pictures from the run. Enjoy!

The awesome tech crew

   Smashing up the set in the get out

"So now our tale has reached an end..."

That's it! We have officially finished our run of Beauty and the Beast. It’s been an amazing few months. I got to work with a brilliant cast, a fantastic tech crew and a group of girls who made me laugh every day. 

The wonderful thing about this run is that it’s made me remember why I wanted to pursue an acting career in the first place. Panto was what made me love performing all those years ago and it has been like a medicine to me over the past few months. This may seem like a strange thing to say about a show but it came at just the right time. So thank you everyone, and thank you Harrogate Theatre.   

Sunday 8 January 2012

Nearly there now...

I would give so much to be able to stop time or just slow down my final week in panto. I'm feeling a massive mixture of emotions going into our last few shows. I really do hate endings...

Sunday 1 January 2012

Hello 2012

A very Happy New Year to you all!
I spent the evening in York last night with 3 lovely lovely people. We drank a healthy amount of wine and cocktails; we spent some time in York and some time curled up in a duvet in front of the TV.  The perfect mix! What a wonderful way to start 2012. I’m feeling positive about this year. 2011 has been a mixture of highs and lows, a chapter of my life has ended and now a new one is beginning.   I have a lot to look forward to this year so bring it on!