Tuesday 15 May 2012

Counting sheep

I’m so tired. I try to go to sleep and then can’t. I really do not understand this ridiculous pattern I have once again managed to get myself in to.

I don’t really know why my body decides to do this to me? I got home today, started shaking and managed to sleep for a couple of hours. I’m now walking round the house in a sort of daze. I have dance in less than an hour and I am trying to summon the energy to go to the three classes.

Now I’m not even sure I want to post this entry. I hate how self pitying it sounds.


Sunday 6 May 2012

Goodbye April, Hello May.

Are we really in May already? When I was little, time seemed to go ever so slowly. Christmas Eve seemed like the longest day, if anything time seemed to go extra slowly. The 6 week summer holidays we used to get in school seemed to last forever.  Now 6 weeks goes by in a second and quite honestly I hardly have time to stop and think about it.

I had a panic this week because I somehow lost my diary.  Now when I told some of my friends that I had lost it, the response was “Well it’s only a diary, just buy a new one” The thing is, it may only just be a diary, but that diary has everything in it. I write all that I need to do for each day, week and month in it. I was completely lost without it. My weeks seem to have become quite busy and the only way I can keep track of what I’m doing is to write it all down. Anyway...thankfully (after a week of stress) it was found, returned to me and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

During April I got the opportunity to work on a fantastic new show called ‘Fat Brenda: My Flamin’ Story’ which was premiered at Harrogate Theatre. Written by the lovely Joe Parkinson and played by the wonderful Steve Huison. It was a pleasure to be just a small part of such an amazing show.  Watch out for it!

I can hardly believe I am now in my fourth week of dance rehearsals for the Olympic Opening Ceremony.  It has been so exciting to be a part of so far. I tried on my costume yesterday which I must admit is pretty epic.

The days are getting longer and lighter which makes me happy. I always feel much better when the weather is nice. I hope it gets warm and sunny soon.